
Print J (The Word-Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)


This drawing is based on God's unfailing Word. His Word is our true compass, in this dark world, that points us back home. The main verse, found on the path, reads "Thy Word is a lamp until my feet and light unto my path," Ps. 119:105. On the two larger pine tress is written "His Word is the absolute truth and it never changes", and "Never dilute, distort, or defile the truth". "Every word of scripture is God-breathed" and "The Word shows us how to live for God in a world that does not" is found in the grasses in the foregound. "Temptation" is found on the log partially obstructing the path.

Other things found in this drawing are: 1. Trust Him when the path gets rocky or steep (Ps. 56:4) 2. Hold My hand in child-like trust and the way will open before you (Ps.73). 3. His Word will never return void (Ps. 55:11) 4. All scripture leads to one great focal point, being John 3:16, the incarnate Word. 5. The Word brings the chaos of this world back into order 6. It gives us strength to step over obstacles 7. Your direction determines your destiny 8. Detours lead to darkness and 9. The Word was, the Word is, the Word will be.

Print I (Rest in God's Promises)


This drawing reassures us to remain calm, in this ever-increasing dark world, and to trust in God’s Word. There are hundreds of promises God made to us and He never breaks a promise.One of those promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”, is written across the mountain tops, and “My peace I give you” is written on the mountain on the far left.There are many other messages of encouragement written throughout this drawing, in the trees, in the grass, in the ridges of the mountains, in the water, and across the rocks in the foreground.

I hope this picture helps to bring your troubles and worries into perspective and helps to point you in the right direction for peace.

Print B (Build Upon The Rock)

Mixed Media

In this seascape, the message ("build upon the Rock") is spelled out in the water and on the rock. This message is derived from scriptures throughout the Bible, including Matthew 7:24-27. The Lord is the only stable foundation on which to build our lives, therefore, the rock spells out "Jesus". The tree lying on the beach represents any other groundwork on which we might base our lives, and the insecurity that it truly gives, no matter how secure it may appear to be. Where would you rather build your nest, in the tree or on the rock?

Print C (The Word Becomes Flesh...)


In this drawing, the hidden message is spelled out in the clouds, the mountains, the water, and in the tree roots in the water. It reads, "The Word became flesh and His own received Him not". It reminds us that the Lord came to earth and dwelt among us, but was rejected by His own people. He was betrayed, tortured, and suffered an unusually horrific death, yet, He still loves us and holds His hand out to anyone who'll take it. The first part of the message is derived from the first chapter of the book of John. (Other things hidden in this drawing are Jesus face, the Cross, and His outstretched hand.)

Print D "Our Guiding Light" (Lighthouse)

Mixed Media

This work reassures us that no matter what is going on in this world, our guiding light still shines as bright as ever. If we stay focused on His light, we can make it through every storm that comes out way.

The message, "Our guiding Light is still here in this world filled with darkness", derived from John 8:12, begins in the clouds, continues across the water, and ends on the rocks at the waters edge. The lighthouse spells out "JESUS" while the light forms the "cross". Also found in this picture are, "I am the light and the way", and Jesus' face.

Print E "You Are Never Alone" (Lambs)


When this world gets you down and nothing seems to go right, one glance at these two little lambs will be comforting and remind you that you are not alone. Joshua 1:9 tells us that someone loves you more than words can say and He is right beside you.

The message is spelled out on both lambs and throughout the hay surrounding the lambs. In the hay it reads, "Nothing will I fear as long as He is near." On the 1st lamb is the word "Me", and on the 2nd lamb is the word "Jesus".

Print F "One Day Every Knee Shall Bow To Him...Why Wait?"

Colored Pencils

The message of this drawing can be found in the clouds, across the mountains, in the two trees, across the plants, on the elephant, in the water, and ends in the tiny lettering around the waters' edge. Jesus' face and name can also be found in the water. It reads, "One day every knee shall bow, mountains will bow, and seas will roar at the sound of His name." Also found in the water is His face and name.

The message is derived from several scriptures including, Philippians 2:10-11, and Romans 14:11. These verses inform us that one day everything of the earth shall bow to His precious name. So...why wait?

Print G (A Christian Home)

Colored Pencils

This is a depiction of a home from the perspective of the front porch looking out over a peaceful lake. It suggests that the resident has been reading the Bible with a coffee cup remaining on the table.

This drawing is based on the scripture, Joshua 24: 14-15, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord", which is found on the porch railing. Also, a stable principle in raising your children, "Lead the children to Christ" and "Be steadfast to the end", is found in the trees. The message in the clouds reads, "Keep Christ First", and in the water is found, "Put on the armor of the Lord every morning". In the small bush by the water is a reminder to "pray unceasingly".

The Bible rests on the arm of the chair and in the doily of the table is found, "Daily spend time with the Word".

Print H (America - In God We Still Trust)

Colored Pencils

This drawing is a witness to our great country that God loves us dearly, and because of His love, all of His blessings and riches are available to all who believe. However there is an enemy who roams the earth seeking whom he may devour, written at the base of the cliff in the water.Satan rules this earth with trickery and slander against God and we should never let our guard down.

The many messages begin in the clouds reminding us that "the hour is desperate", with His face hidden there, too. The rock wall tells us that "God is our hedge of protection", and in the plants we find "God's love is greater than all of our sins". At the base of the flag the rocks spell out "Christ is our foundation" with "revive us again" found on the flagpole.

We are all the same, born with a sin nature, and throughout the water are some of the ways we fall to the temptations of the enemy. Messages are also found on the dead tree and on the rock in the foreground.

The message in the Pine tree branches come from the book of Jeremiah and tell us that "any nation refusing to obey Me shall be destroyed". One last message is written very tiny in the crevices of the rock and tells us " If My people shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will forgive their sins and heal their land", from 2 Chronicles 17:14.

At a time when it seems "not cool" to be a believer, I pray that God gives you the wisdom to see clearly and really understand Who Christ is and all that He has done for for you. If our country continues to ignore His laws, history proves that He will remove His hedge of protection which opens us up to destruction from the enemy.

Print A (Let Others See Jesus in You)


In this drawing of Jesus, the hidden message ("let others see Jesus in you") is spelled out on His face. It begins with His hair and ends with His garment. The message is derived from several scriptures, including Matthew 5:16. If Jesus is truly in our hearts, it should be exhibited in our language, our actions, how we raise our children, how we vote, the movies we choose to see, and every other aspect in our lives. The greatest argument for or against Christianity is the life of a Christian. Which argument does your life support? (Other things hidden in this drawing are the Cross and the Lamb.)